I started shaving only my cheeks, down around my jaw on both sides and neck all the was around. This left my mustache and beard on my chin. I never got a hint of the razor getting dull. I have finished 3 shaves which included my chin and the razor seems to not be very sharp as I finish up. My chin is the last place I shave. My beard in not very thick or my whiskars aren't very thick individually I don't think. My hair has always been considered fine. The only thing that changed in addition to now shaving my chin is I have only been using the $41 sight unseen razor I got on whippeddog.com. My other razor (Boker) has no handle right now. I'm waiting on material to make a new one. I just held it and I think I could still shave with it though.
So looking at the possibilities:

Razor is not really sharp to begin with and I need to improve my honing ability.
The blade steel on the razor I have used is not the best.
My beard is thicker than I thought it is.
My shaving ability is not very good.
Some or all of the above.

I've only been shaving about 3 months or so and I haven't shaved every day. So maybe it's my skill or ability that needs work.

The next shave I'll use the Boker to see if anything is different. I may be able to put the old handle on it temporarily.

I could use both razors for each shave but I haven't heard anyone say they need two razors on hand for one shave.

Any help or advise is appreciated.

Any ideas guys?
