I have done a few SR shaves lately. The WTG strokes are fine and I am learning to control the point and stretch the skin more. Cheek shaving from sideburns down to jaw bone isn't bad at all. I am learning the chin and neck areas, but I am always having left over hairs on my neck. When I use a cartridge (Pro Fusion), I have to go exactly from ear to middle of the throat usually from each side after the WTG and ATG strokes and that still doesn't get them all. With a SR, it's very awkward to do these strokes, so I tried doing angled strokes, which didn't do much. Any ideas how to get these pesky hairs?? Is it possible to get a BBS with only WTG strokes??

Lathering has been a challenge lately. I don't think we have hard water, but the lather just doesn't seem to be happening. I've used Proraso a couple times and the SRD glycerin soap once. I put the boar brush into a ceramic mug with very hot tap water and put some water on top of the soap and let it soak while I shower. I dump the mug, pour the little bit of water that was sitting on top of the soap into the mug after I take the brush out, shake it out to get the excess water out, swirl it on the soap till it's loaded well (20-30 seconds). Then into the mug and try to lather. I swirl back and forth, different directions, add water, etc and it still doesn't seem to make much of a thick lather. I tried less water and got less volume of lather, added a little more. Seemed good, then when I put it onto my damp face, it seemed very very thin, not a thick lather. I've watched Lynn's video and I don't see what I am doing differently?? I am going to get some bottled water today and try that tonight to see if it is the water. We use a water softener, but I am wondering if the water is still too hard. Should I try a cream to see if that lathers easier? When I shave with the cartridge, I just use some Lever 2000 soap on my face and rub it in for a few minutes and I can do all 3 passes with just the 1 application of soap with the cartridge. Even with that soap, I don't get a ton of lather, it's a thinner coating.

I honed and stropped my 4 razors. I can tree top arm hairs with the edge angled down towards my arm a little, and the hairs really pop. I have a buzz cut, so not much hair for a HHT test, but when I use my Omega boar brush hairs that fell out, I can pop the hair if I drag it perpendicular to the edge, it drags, catches and then pops. I am wondering if the razors are fully ready? Looking at the edges under a 20x eye loupe, it looks like the bevel is set and goes fully to the edge/apex of the edge. I go up to an Ozuka Asagi JNat stone, then strop on balsa with CBN .5 and .25 micron, then strop on linen and then leather. Tree Topping arm hair still makes the hairs grab a little and then pop a lot, should it cut cleaner thru the arm hair? I am thinking of sending at least 1 of the razors out to a pro so I have something to compare my others to.