So I decided to get into straight shaving and I'm moving along pretty nicely. I bought my DOVO 5/8" from The Art of Shaving over Thanksgiving. Here is a link to it specifically. The Art of Shaving - Black Plastic Straight Razor - Straight Razors from The Art of Shaving Past couple of times I've shaved I've avoided nicking myself completely. However, I am having some difficulty in getting a smooth shave, particularly on my neck. Now they told me it was shave ready, but even one of the reviewers on the site said that it should be sharpened/honed which makes me to believe this might be the issue. I'm pretty sure I've got a good angle and I'm pulling my skin tight, but still even after 3 passes I still have a bit of stubble and hairs that seem to be completely missed. With a normal razor like a Gillete, I normally just shave down then up on my cheeks, chin and lip and then up and down on my neck and boom I'm done. I've basically been doing that motion and even on my 2nd pass shaving across before I go against the grain. I've even thought of letting my beard grow a bit then going to an actual barber and having them shave me and tell me specifically which directions to go first but that seems like it may be a waste of money. I feel a bit discouraged but I know this takes time to master and want to believe I'm doing it correctly and perhaps just maybe my razor needs honed/sharpened and that could solve this little dilemma. Any tips or advice? I've watched numerous videos but I know it is all based on how your beard grows.