The other day when I was shaving, as I was rinsing off the razor in the sink my hand jerked and the edge swiped along the faucet. I knew imedietly that this was no good and when I went back to shave it no longer cut hair.

I took out my swaty barbers hone and did about 20 laps and still nothing, so I took out my safety razor and finished my shave, since I had places to be.

Since I had time today I decided to really try honing the razor on my swaty and after what must've been 100-120 laps it was just barely able to shave, and I'm using the term shave loosely. It felt like the hairs were being ripped off my face. Also the top part of my razor is completely useless now and still won't cut hair.

I'm afraid to do more laps on my swaty, do you guys think the razor is saveable? Or is it trash?

Thanks for the help