Announcing Orville's Home for Wayward Straights . . . give us your sharp, your dull, your bloodied razors yearning to cut hair. We will give them shelter, we will teach them care, and we will keep them safe from harm.
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Announcing Orville's Home for Wayward Straights . . . give us your sharp, your dull, your bloodied razors yearning to cut hair. We will give them shelter, we will teach them care, and we will keep them safe from harm.
Even though it is definitely user error when shaving goes wrong, it is fun to blame the razor:)
My first Max Sprecher taught me to do a slight mute on spikes. If you've ever had one of his they typically are spiked at both ends! Beautiful razors and shave like the dickens, but I muted all mine , I just like the look not the spike, a little muting takes that lethal point out if the question, I know it's heresy , but I once read a post where Tom(sharpton) just drags it under the window sill, haven't done that. But I do it on the stones edge. I now haven't been but in over a year. Tc
Orville beat me to it!! I was going to volunteer to take those offending razors off your hands. I love a spike point. I just have to be ultra careful near my ears!
I've been mad at razors that take forever to hone lol, so far never for the actual shave. I've had plenty I don't "bond" with for whatever reason and I sell those
Yes. I bought a brand new Dovo Bergischer Lowe from Trumpers (or Truefitt....?? can't remember now) when I was in London once. Pretty razor, but this particular one exhibited some very shabby quality control that Dovo have sometimes suffered from over the years.
Terrible pain to hone, never quite got it right, shaved like a cheesegrater on some bits of the edge. I got so pissed off at it that I just gave it away.
Yeah Phrank, unfortunately Dovo have had patches over the years. Grind and IMO sometimes steel issues too.
Generally they are excellent though.
My first straight was a Dovo, and was (still is) a gem. I am glad that it was good, otherwise I might not have so many razors!