I'm no newbie but I have a "new" problem. I developed a post shave itch, mostly at and below the jaw line that is driving me crazy. Subscribing to the it-hurts-when-I-do-this-so-stop-doing-this doctrine, I stopped shaving. After a month of wearing a beard, and experiencing no itch. I shaved. And it was back to itching. Now, mind you, I understand what irritation is like. Be a little to aggressive and for any number of other reasons, you might have a bad day. But what I get is a horrible itch. After scratching, I can see some hive like bumps of very small size, but there's usually no visible signs.

So, I tried to isolate the problem. I swapped stainless for carbon steel and back; used alum after and didn't; used alcohol based after shave products and then those without, switched soaps, etc.etc. I tried to isolate all the variables and have yet to figure out the reason.

I went to a dermatologist who had no answer other than to suggest a series of patch tests to determine any allergy, but I opted out. I have no problem if I don't shave.

But I want to shave (I have some really great SRs that I'd hate not to use). So here I am looking for insight, answers and sympathy.

Best to all, J