I have a brand new Wacker which was professionally honed and stropped and it's been two weeks since I started shaving with it and I still have to touch up with my DE...

The most problematic areas are the neck and chin. My beard growth is all over the place on my neck. Cheeks and moustache areas are ok. I wish I had a normal growth like most people. I'm also cursed with a very course beard and sensitive skin. I get the smoothest shaves with my safety DE razor but starting to feel like the straight is just not for me...

What to do? I feel like it's getting pointless to try getting a smooth shave with a straight. Maybe I should just sell it and stick to my DE...I don't know...maybe it's my technique?

P.S. It's not the prep...I know how to prep myself and I consider myself an expert DE shaver. I shave my head with a DE in like 15 minutes with no mirror. No cuts or anything. Feather blades always.