Ok, I am so happy, and now I have to tell everybody how happy I am!
I just cleared up my last troublesome spot on my face. I am now stroking my first 100% BBS straight shave.
This one change I made was small, but VERY siginificant in the comfort and closeness of my neck and under my chin.

I think I posted before that the hair here lies very flat to my skin, and that shaving against the grain dug the blade into the skin and didn't cut well. I have been working on this since I started shaving, trying to get the blade sharper, trying different blades, soaps angles, everything I though of except this.

All I am doing is pulling the skin in a different direction. I didn't try this before, because I didn't think it would make any difference which direction you pull as long as there is tension, and also most of the advice I heard says pull the skin behind the razor, not in front

Before, I pulled the skin underneath my neck downwards, which now I think of it, must have retracted the hair and made it lie even closer to the skin.
Now I pull the tip of my chin up, which pops all the hairs up perpendicular to the skin, and allows the blade to glide through much more smoothly.

Ok I say this is a small change, however I do have to change my entire shaving order to do this, as I normally shave an ATG as -sides of neck, neck, cheeks, chin. Now I have to do-cheeks, sides of neck, chin, neck. This creates an interesting knock on effect with my other areas as the part of my skin I usually pull on now might have soap on it!
Aside from relearning the other areas to fit around this technique it is a relatively simple change, but I cannot believe it made such a difference.

Now I feel satisfied that my honing is fine, my stropping is fine, and my technique is fine. I was beginning to doubt all of them because of this one area, and now I know that I can do all of them perfectly well, and have been able to for ages. Strange how such a small detail can make you feel inadequate in all other areas!(oh, and don't think too deeply into that statment!)

Now I can't wait to get back to England as I have 2 Frederick Rogers and a Wade and Butcher waiting for me to try in about 3 weeks time. They will be my first proper wedges i will seriously try to use and I'm looking forward to it.