When I get in to a new endeavor, I'm likely to research the heck outta it. I love the concept of straight razor shaving. Straight razors are pleasing to the eye. They conjure up thoughts of days long ago, buried in history, days of men's men and hearty women who've made this country great.

I've been reading all that I can about shaving with straight razors. I've bought three Boker straight razors dropping at least 5 bills. I've ordered a Tony Miller strop that went a buck fifteen. I've picked up a Boker 8000 grit Belgian Coticule whetstone that set me back another "C" note plus a few more bucks. All I have left to add to my repertoire is a silvertip badger brush, a lathering bowel, lathering soap, and a straight razor & brush stand. By the time I'm done, I'll have about a grand wrapped up in straight razor shaving.

From my research, there is no closer shave than with a straight razor. And therein lies conflict. How close a shave is close enough? Is straight razor shaving worth the time and effort? I can't say for sure because I've yet to straight razor shave. I do know that I can whip out my Fusion and Shave Butter or Neutrogena shave cream and be good-to-go in two minutes. In fact, my girlfriend wants no part of straight razor shaving because of effort required. Like me, she can shave what needs to be shaved in about three minutes, maybe less.

My dad used to routinely tell me to buy it right the first time & I'll not have to buy again. Usually when I buy something that is essential, I'll buy the best I can afford. Lest you get the wrong idea, I'm not rich. More importantly, I'm not good buying the right equipment the second time when I would've saved money by buying right the first time.

Part of my straight razor research, besides reading, is watching youtube videos of straight razor shaving. Here's straight razor shaving in process:

This video is 16+ minutes long. Who would want to spend 16 minutes straight razor shaving when Fusion takes about two minutes?

The other conflict I'm confronting is I love straight razors. I love the whole process of straight razor shaving. But I won't like spending 16 minutes shaving. So far, I have zero buyers remorse. However, I do have a feeling that I'll buy a straight razor display case and decorate my bathroom with straight razor paraphernalia. I'm not sure that I'm going to retire my Fusion even though it does leave stubble under my chin.

And then there's Angie Dickinson (Feathers) straight razor shaving Dean Martin (Dude) in Rio Bravo.