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Thread: Different sizes...

  1. #1
    Junior Member Vughtenaar's Avatar
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    Default Different sizes...

    I have a 7/8 hollow ground razor, and so far the results are great. BBS. (only shaving for 2 weeks now with a straight razor) Now I am reading more about the different sizes 5/8, 6/8 etc etc.

    Is a 7/8 actually a good all round size, especially for a beginner? Is there a lot of difference between each size? I was just wondering, in case I want to get one more... hehe.

    In any case, for me the 7/8 works very nice. Less rinsing needed as well.
    Last edited by Vughtenaar; 09-03-2013 at 04:39 AM.

  2. #2
    PLJ is offline
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    I would say it really depends on the user. Some feel more comfy using something smaller 5/8 some feel better using a 7/8 or larger. Some like a rounded end some like a point,Spike,Spanish or Barbers Notch. I personally like a razor 8/8 or bigger 10/8.. With a point. I also think a little verity is great...

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yea, it is all basically personal preference as far as size goes. You are comfortable with a 7/8 and getting good results so for you it is a good beginners razor, for others maybe not so much.

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    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    If you are getting BBS two weeks into it I would say you are a 'quick study'. Good idea to get a second razor and I would suggest a 6/8. It has become my favorite size and it is close enough to what you are used to so that it won't be a big transition. A 5/8 is also a nice size. IME it is like driving a sports car compared to a pickup truck when compared to a 7/8. Anything below 5/8 is too small for my hand but YMMV.

  5. #5
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I'be been using 5/8th or 6/8th razors, both are great! 1/2 Hollow to Full Hollow.

    Other day I received a matched pair of Full Wilkinson Pall Mall razors, they are 3/8th! Didn't know they were that small when I saw them, been using them now for a couple of weeks and they are surprisingly amazing razors...had some of the best shave's with them...they are light and are can really get around!!

    So for me, it's good to change things up, who know's what you'll find!

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    It's a matter of preference, that's all. I started out on a 5/8 Dovo way back and after trying various sizes I came to the conclusion that for me a 5/8 or 6/8 is ideal. I do agree that for most people 5/8 will be the minimum, wouldn't recommend 4/8 or lower for 'general purpose' shaving. But nowadays I mainly shave with kamisori which are a different kettle of fish. BTW: congratulations on the results after 2 weeks, it took me 2 months for consistent good results and I'd guess a year before I really had all technical aspects more or less pat down.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Preference + ergos

    I'm w/ Jimmy - first on 2wk bbs making you a quick study (way way faster than I), and also that the smaller are fine to a point. When guys ask me about getting a first razor, I ask about their beard (course/med/light), skin sensitivity and what size glove they take. The transition from 'Large' to 'extra large' in glove size usually favors at least a 6/8 (over a smaller blade) 'cause the blanks used for 6/8 are larger (not always), and easier for the larger hand to comfortably hole and articulate. 'Not hard, fast rule, but a tendency. Whatever is comfortable to use and you're effective with - is your size/grind, etc. Bravo on picking up the art so easily. There are many thinking hostile thoughts at you 'cause they wish they could do likewise. Keep going and enjoy the ride.

  8. #8
    Junior Member Vughtenaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    I'm w/ Jimmy - first on 2wk bbs making you a quick study (way way faster than I), and also that the smaller are fine to a point. When guys ask me about getting a first razor, I ask about their beard (course/med/light), skin sensitivity and what size glove they take. The transition from 'Large' to 'extra large' in glove size usually favors at least a 6/8 (over a smaller blade) 'cause the blanks used for 6/8 are larger (not always), and easier for the larger hand to comfortably hole and articulate. 'Not hard, fast rule, but a tendency. Whatever is comfortable to use and you're effective with - is your size/grind, etc. Bravo on picking up the art so easily. There are many thinking hostile thoughts at you 'cause they wish they could do likewise. Keep going and enjoy the ride.
    Thanks, but I had some practice with a (Parker) shavette. (but only used it rarely, its not as nice as shaving with a straight razor IMHO) Most of the time I shaved with the nice Edwin Jagger DE89 before I got the straight razor.

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    Took me ages to complete 3 passes with a straight,i am very envious.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    My grandater used to tell me, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" If you're getting good results with the 7/8, it must be an OK size for a beginner.

    Bigger blade is usually a bit heavier. I find them easier to work with. But referencing Euclid's post above, I also wear an XL glove. And that's a tight fit. I go XXL when I can find them.

    Most of my blades are 5/8. A few are worn and less wide. 4/8, maybe less. Takes a little getting used to but once you've got a handle on it they all shave.

    I think I just like the bigger blades because the weight makes them less prone to 'bounce.'
    Mrchick and Dieseld like this.

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