Have not posted much at all lately but today I did a two pass shave that was certainly better than a DFS and actually almost a BBS.

I've been shaving with a straight for a little over two years and have always been a four pass shaver. I really enjoy getting a super shave daily. Over the last six months, I found myself using a DE once or twice a week, to cut down on time when I was in a hurry and didn't really enjoy that much more than a grocery store razor shave.

Decided to go back to only the straight about a month ago. This last Monday I refreshed four razors going to the 8k prior to the 12k and really got some exceedingly nice edges especially on my 7/8 Aust Spanish tip horn. For the first time ever, a shave lasted over twelve hours with no real whisker feel at all and I could have gone to work the next day without shaving. My beard seems to grow pretty quick.

Today, I decided to go with just a two pass shave and see what happened. It exceeded a DFS and is very close to a BBS. Time saved was not that much but it was quicker. As a skuttle latherer and doing 40 laps before and after, prep and clean up took longer than shaving. May try again tomorrow with a different Aust.

So there's my somewhat rambling post for what it's worth.