So - noob question. I've been shaving with straight razors for about a year now, using a wedge and also a half-hollow. I got past the blood-drawing phase after a few weeks and for the past few months I've gotten very good shaves out of the razors.

I recently saw and bought a very nice Ralf Aust razor - it turns out to be a full hollow grind, and I'm not getting great shaves from it so far. If I apply my normal amount of pressure, I don't get a good shave, and if I bear down a bit more I get a little skipping and what feels like the blade flexing, especially against the grain. I even managed to nick myself for the first time in months. Am I just messing up? I've been trying to grasp the blade a little further toward the edge to keep it from flexing, but that feels wrong. Are full hollows not recommended for tough stubble?