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Thread: When a razor is in top shape sharp wise

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  1. #1
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    Default When a razor is in top shape sharp wise

    How many passes to get a baby but smooth with no irradiation?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Your face or mine? That is a serious answer that changes with time, humidity, diet, shave product, and skill.

    The old salts say that a three pass shave will do a bang-up job. BBS to say it.

    Not stated is the amount of strokes used for different areas of the face and neck during one lathering/ pass.

    So, If you are getting a good shave, the latherings and passes are suited to your face and beard type. If not try a wetter lather, more detail strokes during the pass and see what improvements come about. Six months of work should give you repeatable BBS shaves if your razor and products are in good shave ready condition.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    There is n magic number, it really depends on your experience level and the razor. And BBS really dnt what you should be trying to get when starting, go slow and learn the skills. I can get my shave n 2 passes no problem, but you maybe 10. After a 100 shaves or so with a razor whose edge is ready you will get the shave your wanting. Tc
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Porl's Avatar
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    As others have said, this is different for everyone.

    I never really chase a BBS shave anyway. For me comfort is the real reason I moved to straights. I very rarely do more than two passes. My hair grows quickly and a BBS soon disappears anyway. For me it's all about enjoying the experience.

    Everyone will have their own story here and in time so will you.

    Just take your time and enjoy the shave.
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  5. #5
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    BBS is overrated in my opinion. If you manage to get that with no irritation, you are good to go. If all you get that day is a DFS (damn fine shave), you are still good to go! Go outdoors and enjoy the day in all its wonders and glory.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    I can get very close with a two pass + some touch up. I never really go for a true BBS anymore
    Geezer, Maladroit, cau and 2 others like this.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    With my best edges I get a perfect BBS in 1 multi directional pass and yet another for touch ups. If I am in a hurry I don't bother with touch ups and am guaranteed a superb shave just a few stubble short of BBS. As long as I am not in a hurry I always shoot for BBS + no irritation. There is no point in obtaining a BBS in spite of your face/neck. You can always shave tomorrow and can replace everything except your face.

    If you just shave your face/neck and everyday try to improve sooner than later you will be getting a BBS shave with no irritation more often than not but it seems if you chase it you don't improve as quickly because you are irritating your face and neck and a BBS is really impossible with scrapes, scars, and bumps right?
    Last edited by Steel; 09-18-2017 at 06:46 PM.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

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  9. #8
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    A few weeks after I started I went for a BBS shave, it took 6 passes. To say my face was irritated would be an understatement.
    About a year later, BBS happened on its own after 3 passes.
    I'm a few years in now and occasionally I get bbs with only 2 passes.
    Don't chase the BBS and it will come to you in time.
    Geezer and sudoaptget like this.
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  10. #9
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Yeah I chased the perfect shave for a long time when I started out. As soon as I stopped chasing bbs, the shaves got better and better. Part of what makes it so enjoyable.
    I noticed you are asking about different hones etc. Send a razor out for a pro hone, well worth the money.

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  11. #10
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigman View Post
    How many passes to get a baby but[t] smooth with no irradiation?
    I'm assume you're asking about how to get a certain kind of shave, and not how to make a baby (baby but smooth?), so here's the answer to the former:

    For me the answer is 2.5 when I feel like it. As others mentioned, there are just too many variables at play to be able to come up with a general formula
    Last edited by hoglahoo; 09-21-2017 at 03:08 PM.
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