Back when this Covid-19 thing started I decided to try Straight razor shaving. I've been using a DE saftey for a bit over 3 years.

The first shave was a bit awkward as I wear glasses or 1 contact lens for up close vision. It was just hard to get the sight lines in view. In this shave I used a new Dovo Bismark that was honed before shipping by Classic Shaving. After a bunch or videos I jumped in and used the strop from the package I purchased.
I decided it was easier without my glasses as I can see with a bit of blur. I should know my face right?

I decided to only go WTG on this attempt. First was how the heck do I hold this thing. After what seemed forever I took the first swipe from right ear NS. OK I was surprised that I did not cut my face anywhere in this first swipe. I finished the right side cheek and neck and went to the left side. What the heck now I really can't see. I struggled along and finished up that side. Oh and remember the no blood thing that I mentioned above? I had several sweepers on both sides of face and neck.

I cleaned all the gear and stroped the blade again. I went to the living room to show my wife. She said it looked as though I got in a fight with a cat. These guys bleed forever.

So after 8 more shaves ( I normally shave every 2-3 days or longer) my skill and handling of the blade improved a bit. Although still awkward. In these shaves I experimented with XTG and ATG. Each shave seemed a little better. In this time I also bought an old blade from here and ordered a new Dovo BERGISCHER LÖWE (Mountain Lion) that was factory sealed.
I used both the Antique and The new Dovo. Out of the tin the Dovo seemed very sharp. I took it to the strop for 25 laps on both side. I really liked the new Dovo's weight and balance. In these shaves I had plenty of cuts some that the next shave still had a scar.

So to Shave 10.
I lathered up and I ran the Mountain Lion 50 laps on the strop each side. Being a bit more at ease I did 3 seperate passes, lathering up each time. I think I was getting cocky as I had zero nicks with the first two passed. ATG still seems awkward but I pressed on and got very close to BBS With only a few weepers.

A few things I noticed:
1 I find it hard to believe that after shaving since I was 15 (43 years) that I still did not get everything BBS. I had a few patches with real close stubble.

2 After all the reading that a new blade must be honed, I think this new Dovo is fine.
I may find in time that I am wrong, but for now I think I will use the Mountain Lion as my go to.