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Thread: How do you use your razors now!

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    Default How do you use your razors now!

    After shaving today with a vintage Edelweiss I pulled out of my collection that was not in the rotation it got me thinking.
    How do you use your razors now?

    Most here are veterans with a straight and I wondered if others used theirs like I use mine.

    For the last three months anyway it has mostly been a Barbas Duras and a Le grelot with about 4 other razors ready to go.
    I'll get thinking about a particular razor for no particular reason, pull it out, clean the wax off it and put a new edge on it then shave.
    It seems I don't change the rotation much. I only really use two to three at at time sometimes refreshing and sometimes changing an edge on the odd one already in the rotation.
    For a while I have been keeping record of what razor likes what stones the most. I had thought about the Edelweiss and looked it up and what I found was - Jnat. Hates slate!! Thats it (I'm lazy it seems)I cant remember if I tried a Coticle on it or not - its been a while since I had it out. Probably right after the neighbors wife gave it to me, it was her uncles.

    Tried the Coticule - nope. Doesn't like it. Having quite a few slates and not knowing if I tried the Escher I thought I would try the Escher, nope.
    On to the Jnat, yep. Thats it. Just doesn't like anything else. Takes a great Jnat edge but still haven't tried synthetic 20k that will be next just to be thorough and this time write it all down! I normally go to 8k synthetic then a natural so I know I didn't go synthetic yet.
    Well its another razor out so what do you do? The Edelweiss will go back in hiding after the Gokumyo, the others will remain for now in rotation. Its a little small (5/8)
    There are some that are just finicky so they don't get used much. Sometimes it the size (I like bigger razors) and sometimes they are just ok razors.
    There are some that take amazing edges - sometimes just from one type of stone but they fit the other criteria of good size and grind.
    I like thinner razors as well. I don't have any wedges but I have a few heavy ones that gets used as part of some rotations.
    Some rarely get pulled out but they are decent that fit the bill too, just don't get used that much.
    Some are not very good. Don't hold an edge well etc.
    Eventually one or more from the rotation will go back and another good one or two will come out and I will use that for a while.

    How do you regulate?
    Last edited by stoneandstrop; 07-25-2023 at 08:31 PM.
    DocDan likes this.

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