So there I was sitting around the house bored out of my mind and I figured what the heck, I need some cartridges for my Fusion, so off to Walmart I went. No cartridges at Wally world so I went to Harris Teeter and low and behold, they have a shaving brush. A cheap Tweezerman 100% badger hair. I figured, what the heck. Next Walmart had Williams soap. No such things as coincidences, the shaving gods are trying to tell me something.

So I filled a cup up with hot water, soaked the brush and took a nice hot shower.

Got out of said shower and swirled this nice soft cheap brush around this nice round shaving soap thing I keep hearing about and these weird little bubbles started appearing. I started applying this nice soapy concoction around my 8 day growth and immediately noticed this nice warm, soothing sensation on my face. Warm lather! Wow. That's what you guys are ranting and raving about. Hmm.

I powered up my overpriced and overrated Fusion and went at those pesky little facial hairs, only something was different. My razor was gliding across my face and not scraping. I wasn't even really applying much pressure to the razor and it's slicing through them hairs like there's no tomorrow.

After my first pass, I lathered up again and went for seconds.

After I was all dried off, my skeptical subconscience forces my hand up to see if it was all worth it.

Holy cow Batman!


If this is ANY indication of what shaving with a straight will be like in terms of absolute pure comfort, pleasantness and closeness, I'm in! And this is coming from someone who has never had razor burn or ingrown hairs or redness after shaving. Just a chore to be done every once in a while, and used to be done every single day when I was in the military. Maybe I'm just lucky or possibly I was just ignorant.

I can't wait to get my straight. Should be here any day. (where's an impatient icon when you need one?)

I'm hooked!