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  1. #1
    Str8 Apprentice, aka newb kerryman71's Avatar
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    Default Funniest Newbie Mistakes

    Alright, let's hear 'em. What's the funniest
    mistake you made when you were a newbie.

    Here's mine:

    I get my razor professionaly honed by Josh
    Earl. I can't wait to use it. The day finally
    comes, so I strop her up and start. Nothing.
    Glides completely across my face without
    even pulling. I'm thinking my stropping technique
    is WAY bad that I've destroyed this edge. I
    go out and buy the Norton 4k/8k becaue I am
    totally embarassed to contact Josh and tell
    him I already destroyed his edge.

    The moment of truth comes again. EXACTLY
    THE SAME RESULTS. What kind of a moron
    could I be I wonder. The kind of moron
    who was holding the razor upside down, that's
    what kind .


  2. #2
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    I bought and *used* a zeepk razor for at least a few shaves.

  3. #3
    Senior Member BrianB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardhead View Post
    I bought and *used* a zeepk razor for at least a few shaves.
    +1. Only difference is that I stopped after the second shave. It wasn't worth it. The pulling I could manage if it actually gave me a smooth shave, but hair was still there.

    Razor upside down? lol Oh my...

  4. #4
    « Atomium [iron atom BXL] Joelski78's Avatar
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    Recently I accidentally ripped of the D-ring of my Dovo combo strop using to much force while rubbing the palm of my hand on the leather side.

    But there is a Tony Miller strop in the skies somewhere between the US and Europe.

  5. #5
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    *I bought a nice bengall from ebay for 90 australian dollars, not shave ready. I think I paid way to much money.

    *While brushing on some Mama Bear Spice Lime soap lather on my upper lip I got some to far up my nose - ouch.

    *shaving my arms and legs as practice - can we say ingrowns!

    *Learning to strop on a really good quality Tony Miller strop - I have nicked it either end. Not happy with myself at all for that.

    I think Johnny Depps newbie mistake/s need a mention here - stropping with the sharp edge leading, stopping with the leather hanging strop almost bent in half.

  6. #6
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    I read Jacks last comment and, having recently changed my avatar and signature I thought I should post as they seemed apt.

    I did have one initial time when I first started straight razor shaving for the first time. I was shaving away fine, thought it was a cinch cos I made no mistakes. Only thing was it wasnt shaving. Yep, you guessed it. I too was shaving the wrong way and combing my facial hair. Duh!

    Hopefully that makes this post not too


  7. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    OK I'll give it up, We gotta go all the way back to 1981, when after my first straight razor shave from my Barber, I rushed over to a place called the "Naked Edge" and purchased my first straight razor a Illinois strop and the finest waterstone available just like David (the barber) told me....
    Getting up the next morning I started stropping, hey I had watched David, I could do that, so I'm stropping up a storm, snapping the leather, I was Soooooooo Cool until I tried to shave,,,,,, Yep rolling the razor on the edge instead of the spine was not so smart, hey I missed watching that part
    Later that day David kinda taught me how things were really done
    It would have been great having something like SRP available back then
    Last edited by gssixgun; 02-09-2008 at 01:50 AM.

  8. #8
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    +1 on that. been there too. Man i'm more of a noob than most then

  9. #9
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    A year or so ago I got a Feather Artist Club. Read all the instructions and decided to use one of the Feather Pro blades. Inserted the blade, lathered up and made two passes which were exceptionally smooth, and which removed no beard. It works better if the sharp edge of the blade faces outward.


  10. #10
    WHAT?! (Member) paulo's Avatar
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    Blade buffing my chin with a straight razor after having sported a goatee there for over a year...

    Forget razors, my *chin* wasn't "shave-ready" after having been left unshorn for so long... shaved it the night of the SuperBawl for Moustache Madness Monday (it's a tradition at work... grow a playoff beard, then sport the moustache)... I went in sporting the *thinnest* moustache by far, made John Waters look like Grizzly Adams (thank you, straight razor!)... fyi, I came in 2nd place overall, behind a Polish guy with a truly disturbing dirt lip/soul patch combo!

    But I'm going to let the 2 deli-thin slices of skin on my chin heal over and give it another 2 weeks before I decide whether or not to grow back the goatee... my momma di'nt raise no quitter!

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