Nicks and cuts will be MORE visible the next day.
They actually don't show much the first day, when you have put your styptic pencil on them.
The next day, when they start to heal, they become inflamed and red and more visible.
It takes about 3 days for a cut to go away. Don't fool yourself.
I shave both morning and night because I seem always to be honing a razor and checking it in the evening.
I know what you mean about cuts and
nicks showing up a little later. The other day
I shaved and was pretty proud of
myself 'til I got in the car a few hours later
and looked in the mirror. Holy Crap! It
looked like I got into a fight with a ream of
paper and got paper cuts all over. Ahh,
the fun of learning to shave with a straight.
Night time in the big city.
A man sits at an old dining table.
His kids and wife are fast asleep.
An old Tom Waits record buzzes softly through the night.
The coffeepot quietly whistles.
The man is honing his razor.
He is king in his empire...
I too like to shave at night...
I too shave at night. I find shaving after work to be a huge stress reliever. I can come home and have the house quiet and not have to worry about rushing. My face is presentable the entire next day as well. However, I do find that both a WTG and ATG pass are necessary when shaving at night. Just my thoughts.
Observe that tons of us straight shavers tend to do our shaving at night. But all the "normal" disposable and electric shavers I've talked to have never even considered shaving at night.
Do straight shaves just last that much longer (yes) or do they just require more concentration (yes)?
+1 for everything that's been said for shaving at night. And yes, I find the shave is so much closer than the Mach3 that the next morning it's still BBS.
As for the other question, I find going 3 days between shaves is optimal Unfortunately, I usually resort to every other day. But every weekend I let it go three days and the shave is fantastic on the 3rd day!
I too shave at night. With a 0400 wake up call I enjoy the extra time in the evening.
I also shave at night , I am up at 0430 or earlier , and don't have the time to enjoy my shave . I've always shaved at night , even before I started using a straight razor .
I shave at night as well. I cannot get out of my own way as it is in the mornings let alone having to add shaving to the mix. I would just be rushing which equals more chances of getting nicked and sloppy shave
I SHAVE IN THE MORNING!!! Seems like I am one of the few huh? I think I read something Lynn wrote one time about there being nothing like having a shave after showering in the morning to get ready for the day. I find this to be true. The other thing is that I never have to be up early... So that probably has a lot to do with it. Either way, I always shave after a shower and I always shower in the morning (or mid-day).