I have about 10 shaves under my belt with a straight.

Today I tried shaving with the straight again and I ended up with about 10 good bleeding slices with just an ok shave. I cant go back and touch it up with a disposable due to the fresh wounds. So I am stuck until these slices heal .. which will be another week or so.

Is it just me or does everyone that tries straight shaving end up with alot of horrid battle wound scars?

I have been shaving for about 20 years now and I've had more cuts and such during today's shave that I ever had in my entire life with a disposable and DE combined. I dont think this level of ritualistic bloodletting is common, thats why I am asking this question.

I wouldnt mind so much if the cuts werent on my face, ya know?

Personally, I am starting to think I will trade off a little razor burn for scar tissue.