Here's a link to my post about picking up two Gillette DE's for free yesterday.

[a href=""]Clicky[/a]

I currently use the Neutrogena shaving products for men, mainly because of availability and they seem to work OK with my sensitive skin. The only blades I could find were the Persona $.99/10 blades at WalMart, so that's what I used. They weren't bad, especially for 9.9 cents a piece.

I was a little apprehensive about using the DE razor, so I took my time and went gentle. It was so smooth, I didn't think I was holding the razor at the correct angle, until I stopped and felt my skin. Granted, I have a beard, so I'm not shaving much, just the very tops of my cheek bones and my neck line.

I am absolutely amazed, and am now absolutely baffled by the emergence and take over of disposable and cartridge razors. The DE shave was so smooth, without and nicks or cuts, or razor burn, and at 10 cents a razor, who would want to buy disposables or replace cartridges at $3 a piece?