once I have the money (dog decided to almost die a couple of times etc). I like the idea of not having my legacy to this world be a pile of old razors and shaving cream cans. My legs also get really dry and irritated in the winter, and I can't stand body hair, so I don't want to give up shaving. Maybe with this I could shave less often. I've also made a few batches of soap, so I want to try to make my own shaving soap. From what I've read it is basically normal soap, but you add a higher percentage of castor oil for the lather and some clay for the lube. Just saying hiii. I will probably have some questions while I try and choose what to buy...I think I'd want a small razor since it seems more versatile and can get in more places than my legs. Don't know much beyond that, and of course more research needs to be done.