really nice guy. i took my razor and he used that... i wanted to see how it felt since i'm new. BUT when i got home i had several missed spots. reminded me of wimpy in popeye. or whoever that cartoon character is that has like 4 hairs on his chin. he's an old guy so i guess maybe he can't see very well... kinda funny. he only went over it once and used a mach 3 to "touch up". he showed me his hone.. a carborundum.. i had my hone from around the house and it's the black ones from woodcraft in the other posts. now i can stop obcessing about hones and learn to use what i have mo betta.

i'm going to a different barber next time to see how somebody else does it. i heard there's a lady barber near my house so maybe that's where i'll go next.

i did like how everything had a nice clean scent.