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  1. #1
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    Default SR shaving and its effects on your hair?

    So I've been shaving with a SR since x-mas, when my dear gf bought me a Feather Pro set. It was scary at first, but now I look forward to the growth of my facial hair. I've got a bunch of shaves under my belt now and I've been able to string together a streak of good close shaves without injury. Now I'm constantly monitoring my facial hair.

    I have begun to notice a change in the way my hair grows in. It seems like its (for lack of a better term) more orderly. Almost like each hair is growing without any obstruction. Which (I think) is making for a better shave.

    So is this just something that is going on in my mind? Or is the way that my hair is growing in actually changing? Is there any documentation as to how SR shaving effects the growth of facial hair? Or does this have nothing to do with hair and more to do with the way that my skin is effected?

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    i would say that it has more to do with the exfoliation of the skin allowing for natural and healthy hair growth. but i am no expert i know my hair and beard have both changed over time but not that quickly. the other possibility is that you are now paying more attention to your hair so you notice more things about it. like when i started straight shaving i started to pay a lot more attention to the grain of my beard and how crazy it is.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Your hair growth pattern never changes though the hair itself can become tougher as you age.

    Actually when I first saw this post I thought you were going to say the more you shave the more your hair is beginning to fall out of your head or something like that. Some guys claim the weirdest things happen when they shave with a straight.
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  4. #4
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    Did you have a lot of problems with ingrown hairs before? Maybe since using the straight you have no ingrown hair so the hair grows with less obstruction, as you put it. I think you're just taking better of your skin with using a straight as opposed to scraping some disposable across your face....

    Whatever the reason, it seems that shaving with a straight a difference for you!

  5. #5
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    What you're experiencing is the first stage of what's known as "Straight Razor Insanity."

  6. #6
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    You are probably like me and just never paid that much attention to your face. I would just shave when i needed to and never really thought about it. Now its a whole new thing, like knowing the direction the hair grows on different parts of your face. With me it was just because I was paying more attention to my face.

  7. #7
    Member tpoof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Your hair growth pattern never changes though the hair itself can become tougher as you age.

    Actually when I first saw this post I thought you were going to say the more you shave the more your hair is beginning to fall out of your head or something like that. Some guys claim the weirdest things happen when they shave with a straight.
    mmm, seems to be happening to me...

  8. #8
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    I think you guys may be right. I am a lot more conscience of my facial hair than I've ever been. I am definitely taking better care of my face pre and post shave, so that could be it. I used to get the occasional ingrown but now its pretty much nonexistent.

    I guess it probably doesn't help that I'm constantly monitoring my facial hair to see when I could get in another shave.

  9. #9
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    Also, a brush and straight razor exfoliate much better than your hands and a Mach 3. You actually remove a lot of dead skin from your face with the razor itself. To test this idea, take your razor, stretch your skin, and rub it on your cheek while dry VERY lightly. You probably won't cut yourself unless you do it wrong, but obviously that danger exists, so BE CAREFUL; however, once your done, look at the edge and you should be able to see some gunk (for lack of better phrase) on it. That's dead skin that you've removed from the surface of your face. It happens every time you shave. So your pores, skin, and hair folicles end up cleaner than with other methods, which could be why you're noticing your hair grow better.

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