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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default First Attempt at Shaving

    Hello all,

    This past Saturday I attempted my first straight razor shave. I have
    a new razor a DOVO Classic "Special" 6/8 Black which my wife bought
    me for a anniversary gift at classic shaving. I guess she got tired
    of me talking about wanting to shave with a straight razor. I
    watched Lynn's shaving video first and then tried to shave. I
    stropped the razors making sure not to apply to much pressure. The
    shave was ok no pulling or razor burn. The only problem is that it
    seemed that I didn't really shave. Some small parts it did shave,
    but most the face it didn't shave. Maybe the angle of the razor was
    wrong or I did not use enough pressure when I shaved. Is it like a
    DE where the weight of the razor is enough to shave or do you have
    to apply pressure to the razor? I know that new razors are not shave
    ready and need allot of stropping. Maybe it was not sharp enough?
    Should I try stropping it with the linen side first and then the
    leather? There is always next weekend to try again.

  2. #2
    imported_Tony Miller


    Probably just not sharp enough. This is a common problem with any new razor. My Dovos were not shave ready out of the box either and I had to use a pasted strop to get them ready.
    This is a hard surface paddle strop with a diamond compound on it not eh hanging strop you use daily.

  3. #3
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I'll answer again what I said on Yahoo. I had the same experience. The blade needs to be honed. It might not need much. The strop will not sharpen the blade it will just maintain the edge. You will need to get a hone if you plan to do this. Try Norton 4k/8k 3" water stone works well. 8)

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Reminds me of the first time I tried to shave. The razor was both not sharp enough (it was the only one in the case where I bought it, so who knows how many people came through and shaved arm hair with it or cut pieces of paper to "test" it. I should have known-OWWW)
    On the other hand, once you get that thing honed you are in for a treat. I have actually had good luck with Dovos. I have three, and two of them were ready to shave right out of the box. Effortless, sortof like using a squeegee.
    For me, stropping only works if the razor is already very sharp and just pulling a bit.
    John P

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