Among my latest arrivals from are a Filarmonica "Doble Temple" 7/8 (nearly 8/8) and a Vulfix Super Badger brush.


The quality difference is worth it, as far as brushes go.

Seriously, I thought it was rather silly at first... that the difference between a boar bristle and super badger would be of any consequence.

It's like night and day.

The lather is obscenely... lathery.

Super Badger is the way to go. I say so by personal experience.

I also really like the size and weight of the Filarmonica, not to mention its nicely curved scimitar geometry. The factory hone was impressive, and I plan to improve upon this in the coming days. It really is a different feel from my 5/8 razors. Yet it still has an awesome dexterity that can finely shape my goatee.

I am curious... can anyone tell me more about the Filarmonica brand/company history?