so i had a great shave last night doing three passes, WTG and 2 XTG passes. very comfortable and absolutely NO irritation. usually i tend to go over board which ends in a little bit of irritation, but last night things just really clicked and there was no need to keep going.

my only problem is the neck. not your typical neck problem i guess though. my problem area is right under the back of my jawbone. the hair grain goes from the front of my neck to the back right there, whereas the front of my neck the hair grows straight down.

the reason my problem isnt typical is that i can get that spot to be acceptably close using my regular routine which is basicly 2 XTG (straight down then straight up). but i can't seem to get it to the level of the rest of my face. it is close but not there.

i always pull the skin down to stretch it, and would like to do the WTG to start but have no clue how to position the razor to do so. i use a couple different razor grips.

any suggestions would be great. if not i will keep with my routine and see if simple technique refinement clears things up with time.
