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Thread: In The Deep End
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07-24-2005, 06:26 PM #1
In The Deep End
I can't get the Pike Black Beauty hone I picked up on ebay to cut a thing, so I took everybody's advice and got a Norton combination water stone. I also practically stole a Dubl Duck Special #1 and an old very used, but very sharp Wade and Butcher. The Wade and Butcher had already had the spike tip removed making it something of a round tip so I thought I had best start with it on the Norton and am glad I did. I spent hours yesterday trying to get it to split a hair, but it just wouldn't quite take. I did get to feel several hundred passes along that stone though. The blade had been heated and that was clearly why it shaved so badly, pulling all the time and giving a few small nicks.
Today after feeling confident enough to put the Duble Duck on the hone it split a hair on the third pass. I took this as encouraging and lathered up. Much better with this undamaged blade. No nicks and a pretty close shave. A little Thayer's Witch Hazel made a decent splash too (like I'd know. I have nothing to compare it to having never used aftershaves before). I think the blade could be sharper though so I'll get back on the hone in a day or so to see if I can improve it. If David ever resurfaces with that blade he's going to send me I'll know what it SHOULD feel like.
All in all a triumph and the learning curve is advanced this far ONLY because of the generous advice of the members here. Thank-you all very much for helping me get a decent straight shave going on. CHEERS!