This is something I have seen done in tobacco forums and I would think it would work here as well.

Basically, people sign up to be part of the pass. The person hosting the pass either fills the box with shaving items (S)he has or solicits items from the people that sign up. This could either be random shaving items or built around a theme (Shaving soaps, splashes, etc.). Then the box is mailed to the first person on the list. That person is able to keep the box for 7 days before mailing it on to the next person on the list. (S)He can try out any re-usable item or any open item. Everyone is responsible for their own sanitation prior to using anything. You also may "take" items from the box as long as you "put" back something of equal or greater value.

Each person is responsible for reporting on what they use as well as their "Puts" and "Takes". The are also responsible for the cost of sending it on to the next person.

I don't quite know what happens to the box at the end of the list, however.

Comments? suggestions?