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Thread: Shaving Injuries
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08-06-2005, 07:56 PM #1
Shaving Injuries
Most of the talk around here is about the great shaves straight razors give you, and I'm certain that they do. (I've yet to do it myself, being the new guy.)
But something I haven't seen mentioned is how dangerous these things can be if they're used improperly, or if some accident happens.
So have any of you suffered a particularly nasty cut whilst shaving?
08-06-2005, 08:23 PM #2
no, not realy. One or two nicks whith my first few shaves. And watch out for you're ear lobes when you shave you're sideburns! Its not as bad as you might think. Just use lots of lube i.e. water and soap/cream, and keep the razor moving, and never,ever move the razor in a slicing movement. It will open you up if you try, so dont draw it like a knife. Oh and strech the skin tight with you're non shaving hand. Its easy. Try it. You wont kill yourself, unless you try hard to.
08-06-2005, 08:36 PM #3
The first few times when I started I cut myself but nothing needing an emergency room. Since then the only times I have cut myself is when I'm not paying attention to what I am doing. Actually I have cut my fingers more than my face.
I finally realized a while back that not only do you have to watch your face but your hands also. You always need to know where the razor is while holding it. All in all if you worry about how much damage a razor can do you will never shave with it. With experience comes confidence and that and just using common sense and care and you will not suffer any real injury.
08-06-2005, 08:49 PM #4
Re: Shaving Injuries
These are dangerous instruments and theinjuries usually happen when we forget that. My worst one was a gash I got on my cheeck when I first started out. It happened when I stopped paying attention to where the razor was an got it hung up on a zit.
If you want to hear a really good story ask Brian Donofrio how to do the hanging hair test
Originally Posted by Blade Wielder
08-06-2005, 08:49 PM #5
The only time I even nick myself (which is rare now) is when I'm trying to rush and I'm being careless. The one time I did actually cut my face, it healed up nicely. A bit of Neosporin helped, too.
If it happens, t's something you'll only do once.
I've cut my fingers a couple times, too... not paying attention while honing and, once, trying to catch a razor that slid off of an uneven pile of towels. It just wasn't smart setting it there. :roll: But if one falls, just let it go.
As mentioned already, good prep, proper technique, and the confidence built by experience will will help you avoid any real cuts.
08-06-2005, 09:21 PM #6
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Thanked: 1[So have any of you suffered a particularly nasty cut whilst shaving?]
Only when not being careful. My shaving time is also my thinking time. Once on my birthday, I sliced myself real good, and have a slight scar to prove it. Surprisingly, the kids in my class didn't notice it. Usually Jr. Hi. kids notice everything and have to comment.
Take your time and enjoy. Don't be discouraged if your first straight shaves take longer than usual-- like maybe 45 minutes to an hour. As you become more comfortable and efficient at using the razor, it will go quicker. Don't make the mistake of thinking you're just substituting the old disposable with a straight. It's a whole different ballgame. You have to learn some different techniques. After a while, the razor becomes like a natural extension of your hand. That's when you're rolling.
I usually shave in about 20 minutes. I can do it in less time, but it's not as good or enjoyable. I used to keep some disposables on hand just in case I overslept, or was in a big hurry, but once I got used to the straight razor, nothing else feels like you've shaved. It just doesn't feel clean. Now, if I have to get up earlier than usual, or get to bed late the night before, I just shave before I go to bed. I don't know if everyone can get away with that, but it works for me.
Something I noticed is that if you get a good close shave with a straight, there's not much to shave the next day. Remember, styptic hurts! I think they make it that way on purpose to remind you to be careful. :-)
Welcome, be careful, and enjoy.
Best wishes,
08-06-2005, 09:44 PM #7
If I pay strict attention to shaving, I've had only a small nick that stopped by itself or with cold water.
Let you attention lapse, and you can earn yourself a nice souveneir. A nice two inch slice on the cheek (not very deep at all, didn't bleed much, but served as a reminder for almost two weeks). Same thing when drying the razor. I cut one finger to the bone because I accidentally let it close over the edge of the razor rather than just pinching it. Talk about a blood-letting!
08-06-2005, 11:38 PM #8imported_ronskiGuest
I'm an awful klutz (what a terrible combo 'eh? a straight razor in a clumsy person's grip :lol: )
I get a nick or two just about every shave, but those are really very minor. I don't let that discourage me tho, it's when I space out that I really cut myself.ops:
08-07-2005, 01:23 AM #9
I hope no one has tried shaving or grooming their nether-regions with a straight razor before. Now that would be quite stressful. :shock:
08-07-2005, 03:39 AM #10
Originally Posted by Blade Wielder
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