I keep getting contradictory advise when I speak to the local barbers. Some tell me there's nothing that beats a properly honed and stropped straight razor, and others tell me why bother? You can get a disposable stainless steel blade just as sharp and use a Shavette.

I've had a couple of barber shaves, both of which they used a Shavette, and I must admit, I was very pleased with the outcome. Much better than I have achieved myself with my properly sharpened razor. I know i know... the barber needs work! I do need practice, but the problem is, I can't yet tell how to really determine if my razor is sharp enough.

I own one real Dovo straight razor purchased off of Ray at classicshaving, which was professionally sharpened by a local cutlery business - and it is slowly losing it's edge.

I NEED something to keep the shaves as good and SHARP as can be, while i'm learning how to maintain my own straight razor AND shave my face properly, so my question is this:

Is the Dovo Shavette the item to purchase? If so, what size blades (they have the red, black, and yellow holder for different size razors)?

How do those disposable Personna (i think that's the brand), or Fromm throw-away blades compare to a keen straight razor? What kind of disposable blade is the best to purchase?

Thanks for all the help guys!