So I gave my razor a go yesterday. I bought it at SRD, so I knew it was ready to go. I gave it a nice stropping, just to see how a sharp blade feels on the strop. It was so fun I could have spent hours stropping, but eventually decided to put the blade to my face. I started out a little timid - my first few strokes snagged a bit. I re-evaluated the blade angle and made a few more strokes with a little more confidence and an increased blade speed. Success! A nice, smooth finish on the sides of my face! I also managed to get a very smooth upper lip and a decent neck. I did have quite a bit of trouble with the chin area, and eventually decided to leave the point of my chin for the next time around. Overall, a very pleasing experience. I managed to get away with a countable number of nicks (which my styptic pencil took care of) and a shave that ranged from good in some places to not so good in others.

Any tips on the chin area?