Quote Originally Posted by JimR View Post
OK, so I talked to my barber about shaving with a kamisori, and he said that it should only be used with the flat/omote/no-kanji side against the face. This is because the honing ratio/style makes a bevel that cutes best flat against the face. If you do it backward, the bevel angle will be all wrong and you'll be at greater risk of cuts and uneven shaves.

Again, this is what my barber says. I trust him, but do what you will.
I know what I'll be doing this evening! Picturing it in my head it should make most things much easier. A regular 3 pass style shave? no, i cant manage to do that regardless.

Someone had to go get the rice cake- Thank you Jim-sensei for clearing that up. Is the stamp side then, still the ura?