Halfway through my shave today I found myself wondering about the whole WTG/XTG/ATG thing. When I try this progression for a full shave WTG doesn't remove much even with the sharpest of my razors, and XTG isn't possible due to the way my beard grows and the shape of my jaw and chin (XTG here would require an odd diagonal stroke down and across the underside of my jaw, with my off hand, which means there is a significant risk of facial slicing and subsequent blood).

Because of how my beard grows I've been only doing ATG on my chin and neck, which then became ATG everywhere, usually two passes (one for the bulk, one for touchups). I can get a really smooth shave like this without any irritation, but remembered during my shave today that someone was talking in a fairly recent thread about "stubble reduction". This got me thinking - should I be doing the whole WTG/XTG/ATG rigmarole, or is my current technique permissible? And yes, I do realise it's harder on the razor's edge than the traditional way.