A mate paid a visit to a store where they sell shaving gear and also teach people how to shave & lather (for a price, of course).

The story I heard was pretty strange on what they discribed as 'corect' lathering.

First of all, the guy said not to twirl your brush on your puck of soap however you want, nono he said, the owner said to go up and down on the puck, as if you were painting a wall. Huh?

Then, on face lathering, do not make circles he said, and don't just mess about with it in all directions, once again, paint your face.


People have to pay to hear this kind of advice, and I'm REALLY not agreeing with what they teach there. I'm the exact opposite of the above instructions. Anyone care to correct me? In my humble opinion the least pleasant shaving experience is 'painting' your face with lather, it's like being licked by a lama (I imagine...)!

It truly shocks me that they gave him this kind of advice.

When I went to a similar shop, but in Brussels, they also gave me completely messed up information, like stropping every day on Chrox, and sharpening the razor on a friggin belt (machine). I really don't understand this anymore, if your job is to sell razors and classic shaving gear, would it not be a little bit common sense to do some research on HOW to shave CORRECTLY?

Of course, if you all agree with what the owner told my mate, please do tell me so I correct my shaving ritual.