So I am searching the web and come across this article by A
Christopher Moss
the title is
The Art of the Straight Razor Shave
read it if you can

Now to my delema
I am sick of spending 16 dollors on five cartridges every week to keep well shaven, I am currently in the military and have to be clean shaven every day. all through out this web site i hear every one talking about shaving there beards. my question is can i use this straight blade razor every day and get a better shave then with a cartridge. now i will tell you i was shaving with out knowledge of the proper technique this web site has taught me about skin prep and how much pressure. and stretching the skin. i recently shaved every day with a new cartridge for 5 days. i washed my face with soap and then soaked it in scalding water for 5 mins. then tried to get a good later with shaving cream . i could tell a difference after two days shaving with the grain. but then i started cleaning up the hard areas , neck , jaw bone and , GO-T area, against the grain and my god it tore me up i would like to know if any one else had these problems with mach 3 cartridges. i have heard that one blade is were you get the best shave. so i guess im asking can i get a better smoother cleaner shave every day with good technique from a straight blade or keep with the mach 3. if any one can help thankyou very much. stephen.MACH 3