Waiting for my first razor and strop to arrive (see beginners intro). I keep reading where an occasional nick here and there is basically all that there is to concern oneself with (I'm assuming that we're not talking about total idiots but mature people who have bothered to "research" the tools, techniques etc to "try" to do things the right way. So.... with no further ado ....... how bad is it "actually" when you began. I know everyone's learning curve will be different but ........ Has anyone heard or seen anyone actually "gash" their face or take a "chunk" of skin out! I know it "can" happen but then again .... someone "can" be run over in their living room eating popcorn watching a movie by an 18 wheeler with no brakes and bad steering running through their house out of control. It "could" happen but ...... what are the chances.
Guess what I'm asking is that I'm going to be an absolute "wreck" with nervousness till I get the hang of things. I can handle the normal "wear and tear" ........ well....... let's not use "tear". I can handle a few "nicks" here or there (anything septic can handle will be fine ..... I'll stop if the septic stick gets too small to hold). I like hearing about how much fun it was and that it was much easier than ya'll thought lmao. Thanks.