Up until today I've only had 3 and a half straight shaves. The half come in because right from the start of #4 I had stuck my upper lip, given myself several nicks, and had a serious case of razor burn on the bottom of my neck. I just stopped there and finished with my 1904 DE classic.

I took 3 days off to heal and do some checking, reading, and watching video's on straight shaving. I found a wealth of info., pictures, and video's right here on SRP. I read and watched for hours. It was well worth it. Probably the best thing I learned was how to use the straight on my neck, i.e. the front, middle, and bottom of the blade. I gave up on trying to to the whole shave, and just did the easy parts finishing up with my DE. The result was a DFS with just one small nick. That darn thing was right under my nose right on that fleshey part just under the nose. Can anyone help me out on shaving that area? That seems to be the hardest part for me.

Any advice will be most helpful. Looks as if I'm on the right path now. Except for that @%$#+&! spot under my nose. Thanks for the help.