Awesome. After two WTG passes with a 5/8 Wester Brother's "Anchor" I started my third and final XTG. Before starting on the middle of my upper lip, I decided to hit the strop before getting underway, and... anyone care to guess what I did next? Came back from the strop to the lip with the razor still extended in the "stropping position". Holding it as a knife, I made a pass from the center outward- make it about one inch before catching and turning the blade perpendicular to ye old face and DRAWING IT DOWN MY UPPER LIP. 5/8" slice, not terribly deep, just enough to make the styptic feel great and myself feel like a dumbass. The worst thing was that I realized how I had the razor right as it started to snag. I am not all too sure that that did not contribute to the jerking across the face. I guess it's like scratching a new car. I have that "Whew! Now that one is out of the way, bring on the others!" feeling.
