So here's how it's been going. I have 2 razors both from ebay fairly cheep but in good condition so i buy myself a 1k, a 4/8 Norton, and i also have a small BBW along with a home made denim strop with cromox on it.

I both razors what i thought to be shave ready, they both very easily removed hair from anywhere else on my body, stropped and off for my shave.
Washed and lathered up like never before i put my first blade to my face, angled not to flat, looked just about right to me with my previous experiments on my arm and leg hair.

Well it just about managed to pull its way thru its first pass but barely so i tried again and still not joy probably not sharp enough ?
I tried my second blade this time a bit better but just not good enough.

So what am i to do.

I checked both edges under a newly aquired mocroscope, from a local school they were going to throw it away, both had one tiny chip missing that you couldn't see with the naked eye.
So i decided to hone the chips out and checked the edges once more.
This time the chips are gone and all looks good. A strop on the denim/chromox and try the shave again.

Oh dear it was no better than before perhaps even worse .... what am i to do ???? obviously my strop might not be the best or could it be my honing (it looks good to me and cuts hair very easily )i don't know everything so im asking here what else can i do to rectify this ?
I'm really fed up with this and have no idea where i'm going wrong

thanks ian