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Thread: Edge maintenance advice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
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    Default Edge maintenance advice?

    I'm a newb so advice is definitely appreciated. I just finished up my 10th straight shave so my technique isn't terribly solid. I also have a dense, wiry beard so I'm still on the very steep part of the learning curve. If you think this is just a technique issue, please say so.

    I've got 2 straights that gssixgun honed up for me. I tried both of them initially and then put one away to use as a reference for later. The one I've been using since then seems to be holding up pretty well but on my goatee area where my beard is especially dense and wiry my blade is starting to leave a lot of whiskers behind. Even with a fresh edge, I had a tough time with that area though.

    I made a denim strop, put some CrOx on it and used that a few shaves ago which did seem to help but it seems like it needs it again already. I know some of my problems are undoubtedly normal newbie technique issues but I'd like to get some advice from people with tough beards.

    Is every few shaves too much to use CrOx?

    Should I try something else? After a bunch of reading I was thinking about diamond spray on a felt strop or maybe getting a Naniwa 12K to touch the edge up occasionally.

    Any advice is appreciated.


  2. #2
    Senior Member Frankenstein's Avatar
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    Well, if I were you, I'd buy the 12k, and a good quality strop. You don't need crox. (You probably do, but the reason you need it is the problem - you're not improving the edge when stropping.
    It takes time to learn how to strop well, unless you stand next to someone who knows what they're doing and can teach you. So watch as many vids as you can, read as much as you can, and go easy and slow on your razor when stropping until you're comfortable.
    There was a thread here about using the same razor everyday without any touching up, and most people could go on indefinitely.

    We practice an ancient art, with many variables. It's confusing, and frustrating. But when you're clear about things, it's very rewarding.
    Last edited by Frankenstein; 07-21-2013 at 04:34 PM.
    I love the smell of shaving cream in the morning!

  3. #3
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    Thanks. Just in case anyone asks, my stropping routine has been 25 laps on a homemade denim strop that I lay on the edge of the counter. Then 60 laps on one of Glen's leather bench strops. I've been pretty careful not to roll the edge.

  4. #4
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    In theory, use of pastes every few shaves is not good. But at this stage of the game I'd say do whatever it takes to get comfortable shaves while you work on your stropping and shaving techniques. Eventually most shavers will find the need for frequent touch ups will become less and less frequent; this is the point where technique takes over. You could also try stropping mid-shave or right before you shave your goatee area.

    That being said there are many experienced gentlemen who do have to touch up often because their beards are extremely tough and chew edges up. This might be you, but for now it's more important to concentrate on technique before ruling it out and blaming your beard.
    gssixgun and crouton976 like this.

  5. #5
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    30 degree angle to the stroke like a Gillette slide if you will. Slicing or scything stroke. Its early for to try this being the tenth shave or so. I was guilty of using too high an angle so basically scraping, that chews on the edge some. I use the lowest angle that still cuts. As far as pastes go I used to use em every 5-7 shaves, now I'm good for a month or so. As was said its better to crox it then shave with a really dull razor. It gets easier, just hang in there.
    Haroldg48 likes this.

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