Ladies and gentlemen:

Lately I find renewed fondness for the 5/8" blade.

My initial razors were 5/8" and then I explored the 6/8" blades and liked them. The 7/8" came next, a beautiful Wacker with dreadnought point, but I soon gave it up, because the razor overwhelmed my small hands.

I have one razor that is a 6/8"-7/8", the Thiers-Issard "Dos Festonne" with white bone scales, but even that suddenly seems a touch uncomfortable in my hands.

Not that I plan to give up my 6/8" razors, no, of course not, but for now the 5/8" razors seem to dominate my standard rotation. No change in my fondness for the double edge, which I keep in regular rotation along with the straights, or when in a rush.

My brush preference, though, seems to be consistent. Although I have several silver tips, the coarser badger brushes still remain favorites. Boar brushes, I admit, have always been the outsiders for my taste, and still remain so. I'm just not fond of the boar brush. A good synthetic, I admit, I like just as much as the, say "pure" or "best" badger.

I can only attribute this new feeling toward the 5/8" blade, therefore, to another stage in my continuous adventure with straight razor shaving. Other stages are bound to follow and I will accept them as part of the wet shaving with the straight razor ritual.

Have you had similar experiences of these period preferences? I'd like to hear your thoughts. Thanks much.

