I have been shaving with a DOVO Bismarck and a DOVO Micarta for a few months now. I would say that, so far, I am more fond of the Micarta. Maybe it is due to the Micarta's 5/8 size, instead of the Bismarck's 6/8. Or maybe the stainless Micarta is a bit stronger during the shave....or maybe it is all psychological.

Anyhow...I just got a Boker King Cutter in the mail from SRD and took it for a test shave. Yikes! The first pass was very uneasy. It felt like my first time shaving with a straight. I didn't feel it was as close as the shaves with my Micarta. I will say that the second and third pass were nice (especially on the neck). After the Boker shave, I noticed a significant increase in razor burn and red spotting on my face.

All of my straights are honed and shave ready (I know that isn't the problem) Has anyone else noticed that they get different results using different razors? Am I just on the Boker learning curve?