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02-22-2011, 04:39 PM #1
So I had a great long weekend this weekend. I shaved Friday morning and then didn't shave again until this morning so my beard was relatively long. and like I often do after a long weekend, this morning I woke up a bit late.... I have to be at work at 8 so I usually get up at 6 on shave days, shower, prep, shave. This morning I woke up fifteen minutes later and had to rush a bit. During my shower I decided to take some shortcuts. Instead of a hot towel I turned the water all the way to the "H" and scrubbed my face with the washcloth really well to exfoliate. Once out and dry I stropped 25 on the webbed side and 25 on the horse hide. Normally I do twice that..... apparently that is all I need to do because today's shave was the closest, least irritating, completely nick free, smoothest, softest shave I have had since I started... Originally I was only going to go WTG since I was short on time. Then once I had done that I realized I had enough to do an XTG pass... so I did and normally I get just a bit of irritation on the neck and chin. Today there was NONE. Really! absolutely NONE. I finished and used some witch hazel, that normally stings just a little and NO STING!!!! After I was finished I rubbed my hands over my face and normally I can feel tiny bits of stubble in certain areas that are hard to get and.... you guessed it... NONE! I really don't think a baby's butt is this smooth! And my face (which is normally very smooth, hence my nickname here) has NEVER been this smooth in my entire life! I just hope that this wasn't a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence and I'll get to have this pleasurable feeling many more times!
P.S. I was on time to work!