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03-10-2011, 02:46 PM #1
Is it the Stainless Steel, the Sharpness or Me?
I've been shaving with a straight 6 times a week for over 2 years. I have an established routine with the primary variable in the day to day shave being the razor. I've noticed that I've tended to shy away from my several stainless blades because they are harsh and leave me with that raw burned feeling. BBS for certain, but also irritated.
Today, I was using a stainless Wacker and had to quit. I picked up a Robert Williams and it felt like I was shaving with butter it was so gentle in comparison.
Of course it can be the sharpness of this blade and the few other stainless ones I have. What makes me think not is that I keep all of my blades on the sharp side of shave ready and they all seem to pass the same subjective tests (fingernail, thumb pad, hair pop) and they all get more or less the same stropping.
Am I alone with my stainless problem? Do I finish honing these differently to achieve greater "smoothness?" Anyone else relate to this? I need to figure this out before I develope a phobia and have to sell thise beautiful razors. Hands down! They're not for sale...yet.