Sounds horrible, right? Actually, I've found out that it can work. A while ago I noticed a spot I had missed on my second pass when I was about to head out the door. Instead of lathering up again, I took the dry blade to my dry skin. Afterwards I put balm on and away I went. I expected some bumps, but none came. So, a while later (on a weekend so that if something went wrong I wouldn't have to be out and about), I tried shaving dry. Thing is, it actually worked really well. Probably among the closest shaves I've ever had and I didn't get any bumps or nicks. I also do this now on the back of my neck between haircuts and have yet to have any problems.

The trick is to make sure nothing's damp. If it's damp, it'll catch. But if everything's bone dry the blade should glide along fine. I'm saying I recommend it; shaving with lather is entirely preferable. I'm just saying it's apparently possible and the results are surprisingly good.