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Thread: Avoiding Nicks and Cuts

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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Default Avoiding Nicks and Cuts

    An old barber told me to hold the razor securely but lightly enough so that is if it pulls the razor will flex in your fingers and be less likely to nick. He also told me to never force it if it does pull. Following that advice I have rarely gotten a nick.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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    anejokid (02-24-2012), AnilSharma (07-14-2013), apprentice (08-14-2012), Atap307 (01-02-2016), athiker (11-03-2017), Baltasar (10-03-2013), bassguy (07-15-2011), BDJ (06-03-2015), CaySea (09-22-2014), Cheferik (12-31-2015), Chrisstoppel (11-17-2019), commiecat (07-16-2011), Daan (07-23-2020), Dieseld (01-06-2017), Domi (07-17-2014), drsmoothak (09-04-2017), EdwinM (07-23-2014), Haroldg48 (09-21-2013), HCpawpaw (09-11-2016), Hirlau (07-30-2013), Hubie (06-10-2014), JAGNeuse (12-22-2012), jlands3 (01-31-2012), jmercer (09-23-2014), JoeyP (09-13-2017), kwlfca (03-22-2013), lethalgraphix (09-20-2015), MajesticShaver (11-10-2016), Matheus (05-11-2014), MidniteStalk3r (05-25-2012), milehiscott (08-01-2011), moehal (11-28-2012), QXDPC (02-28-2015), rolodave (10-04-2013), semperfi6141 (03-08-2014), sepultura (07-10-2013), sgtd (04-12-2014), StaySmoothShaving (06-05-2016), STF (10-05-2019), tennex (06-02-2017), TMILO (04-30-2019), WhiskyGsus (07-22-2014), Wilky (12-16-2016), youngunn2008 (10-05-2014), ZipZop (08-06-2017)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I've decided to open this closed thread for discussion. I thought about it and it occurred to me that the old barber may not have been the only one who found a way to avoid nicks and cuts. Anyone who has some input is welcome to contribute their experience and thoughts on the topic.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    DadsoldBoker (08-01-2015), mountaindon (10-02-2013), tinkersd (03-11-2017)

  5. #3
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    Good to see you post your old signature Jimmy, I always thought that was sage advice.

    I would say don't skimp on the prep, and using good quality products goes a long way towards a nick-free shave.
    And keep your mind focused on the task, if possible keep distractions to a minimum.

  6. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

    Baltasar (10-03-2013), Chrisstoppel (10-06-2019), Kenetix2007 (04-11-2012), milehiscott (08-01-2011), moehal (12-05-2012), tennex (06-02-2017)

  7. #4
    Senior Member Jacketch's Avatar
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    For me, if the shave isn't going well (i.e. pulling, nicks, poor hair removal) I stop and re-evaluate. Sometimes it's the razor, sometimes the prep, sometimes the lather but for me, most often, it's a lack of attention. This is when I'm likely to nick myself. When My mind is totally on the task, I am most likely to have a nick free shave.

  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Jacketch For This Useful Post:

    Costabro (09-18-2011), DerRasiertWiesel39 (11-19-2012), milehiscott (08-01-2011), tennex (06-02-2017), tinkersd (03-11-2017)

  9. #5
    Member pundi6446's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacketch View Post
    For me, if the shave isn't going well (i.e. pulling, nicks, poor hair removal) I stop and re-evaluate. Sometimes it's the razor, sometimes the prep, sometimes the lather but for me, most often, it's a lack of attention. This is when I'm likely to nick myself. When My mind is totally on the task, I am most likely to have a nick free shave.
    I agree, that is why shaving can be a meditative experience, one mind, one task, one good shave.

  10. #6
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    For me its slow down and pay attention
    Last edited by vern777; 02-05-2016 at 04:16 AM. Reason: bad typing

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to vern777 For This Useful Post:

    Lemy (09-12-2016)

  12. #7
    Junior Member PapaRoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacketch View Post
    For me, if the shave isn't going well (i.e. pulling, nicks, poor hair removal) I stop and re-evaluate. Sometimes it's the razor, sometimes the prep, sometimes the lather but for me, most often, it's a lack of attention. This is when I'm likely to nick myself. When My mind is totally on the task, I am most likely to have a nick free shave.
    Some very good advice! As a beginner, I will find this most helpful!

  13. #8
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    Hey, ryan82,

    I have been researching SR shaving for over a month now and just recieved my very first Dovo 5/8'' razor yesterday along with some quality products for shaving. I know its not going to be easy but it seemed like a disaster and i need some advice. Anticipating the arrival of my new razor, ive studied several videos (lynn on utube as well) as well as others, and im a sponge for knowledge as im a novice..

    Watching others on videos, it looks effortless and the main thing was the blade just gliding over your skin, creating a close shave. I wasnt expecting this, but i was expecting something better than what i got yesterday...

    So, i prepped myself, hot shower, oil, cream etc.. and here we go... the razor completely dug into skin, nothing was cut, (a few whiskers).. So, i stopped, re adjusted my angle to about 30 deg and tried again... All i got was cuts and pain and no shave?

    So, Im figuring hmm, i guess my new SR needs to be honed? So i called a gentleman at a knife shop that does sharpening and asked some questions. He recomended that i bring it in. SO, today i did just that, and he looked at it.. He ran it on the strop a few times and i bought a strop there took it home and began stropping based on everything that has been said here.... Tried again... 2nd attempt! nothing, just like the first but i didnt give up, ended up using my nik pen 10x and i dont have a half way close shave? what do i do? im willing to put the effort into this but im a little discouraged right now?

    thanks for your help

    mark, lake oswego, Oregon

  14. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by theirsashave View Post
    Hey, ryan82,

    I have been researching SR shaving for over a month now and just recieved my very first Dovo 5/8'' razor yesterday along with some quality products for shaving. I know its not going to be easy but it seemed like a disaster and i need some advice. Anticipating the arrival of my new razor, ive studied several videos (lynn on utube as well) as well as others, and im a sponge for knowledge as im a novice..

    Watching others on videos, it looks effortless and the main thing was the blade just gliding over your skin, creating a close shave. I wasnt expecting this, but i was expecting something better than what i got yesterday...

    So, i prepped myself, hot shower, oil, cream etc.. and here we go... the razor completely dug into skin, nothing was cut, (a few whiskers).. So, i stopped, re adjusted my angle to about 30 deg and tried again... All i got was cuts and pain and no shave?

    So, Im figuring hmm, i guess my new SR needs to be honed? So i called a gentleman at a knife shop that does sharpening and asked some questions. He recomended that i bring it in. SO, today i did just that, and he looked at it.. He ran it on the strop a few times and i bought a strop there took it home and began stropping based on everything that has been said here.... Tried again... 2nd attempt! nothing, just like the first but i didnt give up, ended up using my nik pen 10x and i dont have a half way close shave? what do i do? im willing to put the effort into this but im a little discouraged right now?

    thanks for your help

    mark, lake oswego, Oregon
    I am a newb as well and had the same experience until I got a razor honed by one of the pros here on the form. Gssixgun honed mine and the difference was amazing. I also then realized I had the wrong angle. I can tell the difference in angles by the sound. You can hear the cutting when youhave the right angle.

  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by theirsashave View Post
    Hey, ryan82,

    So, i prepped myself, hot shower, oil, cream etc.. and here we go... the razor completely dug into skin, nothing was cut, (a few whiskers).. So, i stopped, re adjusted my angle to about 30 deg and tried again... All i got was cuts and pain and no shave?

    So, Im figuring hmm, i guess my new SR needs to be honed? So i called a gentleman at a knife shop that does sharpening and asked some questions. He recomended that i bring it in. SO, today i did just that, and he looked at it.. He ran it on the strop a few times and i bought a strop there took it home and began stropping based on everything that has been said here.... Tried again... 2nd attempt! nothing, just like the first but i didnt give up, ended up using my nik pen 10x and i dont have a half way close shave? what do i do? im willing to put the effort into this but im a little discouraged right now?

    thanks for your help

    mark, lake oswego, Oregon
    Sorry Mark, I just noticed your post today.... oops!

    I see you haven't been active here for awhile, so hopefully you'll read this and haven't given up on straights yet. Anyway, the statement highlighted in bold font says it all. Please, whatever you do DO NOT TAKE YOUR RAZOR TO A KNIFE SHOP. They can be very presumptuous and assume they can hone razors, when in reality that may not be the case at all. So step one would be to send your razor to a respected razor honer aka "honemeister" and go from there. If you still have issues we'll deal with it then

    Sorry again,


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