Well its late Thursday night here and I think we need some fireworks here so I'm going to start this thread.

With all the newbees asking about weight and size and all you fellas here in the big razor club I thought this would be a good topic to start so here goes:

I will submit to all of you (being the devils advocate of course) and having a good assortment of different blade sizes and weights (and I'm really addressing weight more than grind though I realize you can't completely separate both) that when that heavier blade is on your skin you have that extra weight and momentum behind it. Its no different than using a 4/8s lightweight and you supplying the added weight with pressure as you shave whilst with the heavier razor that already being done for you.

If we assume that the old axiom of sharp is sharp is king here then where is that better cutting power you say you are getting from the heavier razor coming from. Will a heavier razor pass any test better than any lightweight razor? I don't think so.

Granted there is much personal preference here. Personally I find a big meat chopper just gets in the way and is hard to maneuver on my face while a smaller razor I can maneuver like a sports car.

However,I find it almost second nature that if I skip a couple of days shaving I instinctively reach for a 8/8s razor yet I know that any of my 5/8s will shave just as comfortably and closely as that meatchopper. I blame all you big razor guys for that Jedi mind control trick!