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Thread: Two questions

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    Default Two questions

    I really love shaving with a straight razor but i have two issues: before going to the honing or stropping forums i would like like to ask the questions here so i can be advised first:

    1.- I have a Boker King Cutter that i like very much but the issue is: when i hone the razor using my 4/8 K norton and finishing with the 12K Naniwa the first shave after this is really smoth and enjoyable but no matter what i do the second shave is never the same in smothness and confort and the third is always uncomfortable so i need to go to 12K stone to get the finish again, but is really not practical going to the stone every two or third shave. Somebody told me that maybe the bevel is not setted right, but even not being an expert (by far) i can tell you that the edge is sharp (i can remove easily the hair from my arm, and i mean easily, but is just no smoth in my face) what would you recommend me to do.

    2.- The second issue is somehow related with the first: i found out that shaving with a feather a/c straight razor is really great, so i was thinking: why bother with the stone and the stropping when i can get superb shaves with my feather? i will tell you why? because here in mexico is imposible to find feather blades so i need to order online from others countrys and need to pay excesive prices for shipping not talking about the prices of the blade itself, so the second question is: do you know if there is some place where they sale feather blades for straight razor in Bulk packages so i can reduce my cost per blade after paying shipping and handling? i would like to buy a hundred or more to have in my stock.

    Thanks for answers gents.


  2. #2
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    My first thought is that your stropping may be lacking. When you send a razor off to be honed, the honemeister will almost always tell you not to strop before the first shave. It sounds like you're doing a great job honing but if you're not stropping properly, you could be ruining a fine edge. If you're convinced you're stropping technique is adequate. I don't know what to tell you.

    As for feathers, try this link: Shop by Brand: Feather at

    Good luck, either way!

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, in general if you play with the edge and just can't get the thing to shave well and you are confident of your abilities it's time to stop honing on the finishers and take another look at the bevel. Arm hair shaving (to me) is an indicator the edge is getting real close but it still might not be shave ready.
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  4. #4
    ace is offline
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    Something is wrong if your stropping doesn't maintain the edge for at least a few weeks.


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    I must say tha im not a meister in both honing and stropping, but if my stropping is too bad i think wouldnt get the first shave after the stone as smoth as im getting know. in other words i always strop the blade after the stone job and got and enjoyable shave. isnt that right? tell me if im wrong without any hesitation, you can bet on one think: im willing to learn.

    In the other hand: the Bevel, well what word, but its time to face it so please tell me BigSpendur. how can i be sure about the bevel? i dont have a microscope but i have some good magnifiers as the ones used in watch repair or jewelry, i believe the most powerfull is about 20x, so its that enough or i will need a more powerfull scope? and once with the right scope or microscope, what should i look after?

    Thanks Again all of you for your time and patience, Leadduck thanks for your link but the sell the usual 20 pack of blades, Ace 73 my friend, its nice to find another Radio Am around here, i believe you r still on the air or am i wrong? SirStropalot: thanks for the link: im gonna check it up righ now?

    P.S. Am i expecting too much of a blade honed by myself after my affair with the feather straight`s?

  6. #6
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    Another thought. If you strop after you hone and get a good shave, your stropping must be adequte. Something must happen after your first shave. What is your routine after shaving? Do you dry the blade with a towel? How do you store it?

  7. #7
    Member kleintax's Avatar
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    I'm using a Feather AC - just started. FYI; I live in a suburb of NYC and have to order blades online. Just Google Feather razor blades and you'll get a boatload of hits. You may not be able to get bulk packaging, but you may find a good price with reasonable shipping.

  8. #8
    Senior Member TURNMASTER's Avatar
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    I'm no expert. My guess would be either over honing, under honing or rolling the edge when stropping.


  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Well, like the other posts mention, the first thought that comes to mind is stropping. The first shave is good and the second a bit less good so something is happening to the edge between the first shave and the next one. Another thing to consider is how are you wiping the lather off the blade and how are you cleaning it after the shave and drying it. If you wipe the lather off the blade on something that has a hard backing it will distort the edge. I used to put a paper towel on the sink and wipe the blade off on the towel that rested on the sink until I noticed that the edge became wavy and shaved like poop. Best advice I can give is to pay attention to everything that happens to the razor after your shave and see what might be damaging the edge, even if you really think it isn't. Something is sneaking up and marring the edge, unless the steel is super soft. Good luck.
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  10. #10
    ace is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by xe3vw View Post

    I must say tha im not a meister in both honing and stropping, but if my stropping is too bad i think wouldnt get the first shave after the stone as smoth as im getting know. in other words i always strop the blade after the stone job and got and enjoyable shave. isnt that right? tell me if im wrong without any hesitation, you can bet on one think: im willing to learn.

    In the other hand: the Bevel, well what word, but its time to face it so please tell me BigSpendur. how can i be sure about the bevel? i dont have a microscope but i have some good magnifiers as the ones used in watch repair or jewelry, i believe the most powerfull is about 20x, so its that enough or i will need a more powerfull scope? and once with the right scope or microscope, what should i look after?

    Thanks Again all of you for your time and patience, Leadduck thanks for your link but the sell the usual 20 pack of blades, Ace 73 my friend, its nice to find another Radio Am around here, i believe you r still on the air or am i wrong? SirStropalot: thanks for the link: im gonna check it up righ now?

    P.S. Am i expecting too much of a blade honed by myself after my affair with the feather straight`s?

    If you have a loupe that is 10X, that is all you need. Under a good light, when the bevel is set you should not be able to
    see the edge at all. It should be invisible. If you see any shine at all, then your bevel is not yet set. You can also use the
    loupe to check that your bevel sides are flat, not rounded. If you see light off the edge, your bevel is not finished.

    73 de

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