Now that I know how each of my razors perform, I find myself setting up my 30 razor rack in the order that gives me the shave that I want on a daily basis, but also works properly one following or preceding the other.

So first, I look for my best shavers for Sundays. I like my best shave on my church days. Then I fill in between them with my other razors, but I have found that certain razors don't work well following another razor. For instance, I have a circa 1830's Lautner that gives me the the best shave of all my razors. But the next day, I have to have a razor that actually has a slightly muted edge on it because of the amount of dermis that the Lautner takes off. Then, even within the daily razors, I have found that certain grinds don't work well following other grinds. So I set those up in order as well.

I have also found that my skin responds better if I don't use the same cream day after day and mix it up a bit. Don't know exactly why on that one.

So there you have another look at the insanity that ensues when you start shaving with a straight razor.