This morning I had a shaving experience I want to share.

I use a straight razor for about three months now. It is the Prima Klang from DOVO which a bought new. In my opinion the razor was sharp and from the start things went on pretty well. Sometimes a cut, sometimes a razor burn, but in general I was satisfied with the results, although a real smooth face was not in sight yet. I knew that would require many more months practice.

Last week I considered my straight getting dull so I decided to use a so-called Tension Mounted Cowhide Leather strop with DOVO's red pasta. An example can be seen on the website Razor Strops , article 56-195011. I applied a very little pasta with a cotton cloth. After that I gave the razor about 10 passes.

I cleaned the razor with a tissue and gave it 50 passes on the canvas and 100 passes on the leather. The shave I had this morning with this razor was the best so far. The result was incredible. More smooth then ever before and even the hair on my chin was chopped off without any problems.

Oh yes, now I know what a sharp razor is. And now I understand what you people mean when saying that a new factory straight razor is not really shave ready.